Ridiculous Pain

I have just spent the last 4 days in the most ridiculous pain. And I am pretty sure it was because of the foods I have been eating since the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I have consumed copious amounts of high carb and sugary foods.

Eating that way I believe that I caused enough inflammation in my body to cause significant pressure on the sciatic nerve on both sides of my body. The pain was almost unbearable in both legs. I didn’t sleep for nearly three days or nights.

The pain has now subsided. It only took about 36 hours or so of near-fasting. And today I have barely had any carbs, and no sugar whatsoever. I don’t really know how much this has actually affected my inflammation, or maybe it is coincidental, but I feel 100% better.

I have come to expect pain because of aging, and especially the degenerative disc disease. The last few days have made it clear that I should work very hard to avoid eating foods that would do me harm no matter how boring it can be.

I just find myself with an overwhelming desire to eat something processed (bread, cake, pie etc.). And if I don’t have it in the house I’ll run out to store and get it. Shameful I know. It’s the truth though.

So, needless to say, I have not been that successful during this first month of the year. I haven’t given up though. I can’t.  Eating the wrong crap makes me feel like..well, crap. Wish me better success. And if you feel so inclined, pray for me.

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