Most Recent Doctor Visit

I am in the doctor’s office for my 6-month check-up. My BP was a little elevated. I’m waiting for my a1c test result. My guess is around 6.5. I did a home test the other day. There is no telling how high it had been before I got myself under control. I went off the deep end during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

My a1c ended up being 5.8. Woo hoo!

In the last day or so, I have come to terms with how fat I am. I don’t think the reality of it has ever hit me the way it has lately. I don’t know why I haven’t seen it before. Maybe my mind was shielding me. I am severely overweight. My body does not look human. I need to lose a massive amount of weight. God! I don’t want to be fat anymore!

I am 40 days into this zero-carb diet. Some call it the Carnivore. It seems to be working wonders for my blood pressure and blood glucose levels. The weight loss is slowly coming along. Thanks to my new realization of how fat I really am, I am no longer expecting magically quick weight loss and transformation. This is going to take a while. I see no near future date of me changing the way I and eating right now. This may take a year or two, maybe more.

Now that my expectations are set, I feel more able to stay the course.

I feel great! I feel relaxed, stable and at peace. I have plenty of energy for workouts, which I have been doing 4-5 times a week. I am lifting more weights (I joined a gym closer to the house). I have continued the exercises I learned in physical therapy to keep my hips and lower back functional.

Since beginning this way of eating, my body has much less inflammation. I have less pain in my joints and it seems to get better each day despite all the workouts.

It would be great if the weight loss happened very quickly. However, many people who lose a ton of weight rapidly end up having lots of loose skin. I don’t know if losing slowly will mean less lose skin for me, but it couldn’t hurt. However it happens, I’d rather have loose skin than the ton of fat I’m carrying around right now.

My doctor says I lost 7 pounds since I last saw her. I can assure you that before that happened, I gained around 8. I believe my blood pressure was elevated because I had just walked into the waiting room when they strapped on the cuff and started measuring. With my current dosage of meds, my blood pressure is well within the normal range, which is now below 120/80.

So, my new mindset is patience. I’m in no hurry as long as I continue to trend towards health. 😊

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