101 Days on Carnivore

I have been on the carnivore or zero carb diet for 101 days, but it hasn’t been smooth sailing. I had a couple of mishaps. I have had a difficult time overcoming my sugar cravings. That being said, my blood pressure is solidly normal, my blood sugar is normal, and my A1C is 5.5. My favorite benefit of the diet is the reduced inflammation. So, much less pain in my joints (especially my back).

Last month I went to Texas to visit my dad. Being away from home always makes being on a diet difficult. I did take measures to stay on the diet. I bought whatever I needed while I was there and managed to stay the course nearly 8 days. I think I did do pretty well. I didn’t gain any weight while I was there.

Once I got back home, I thought it would be smooth sailing. However, it was more difficult than I thought. I had a couple of sugr binges in the last month. It caused some weight gain; about 3 pounds. Sugar binges are hard to escape from once you give in and let it begin.

I did find some help. I belong to an online carnivore support group. Somone in the group turned me on to browned butter bites to help the cravings. They worked like a charm. They are not sweet, but a savory snack I can throw in my mouth when I start to have sugar cravings. They really hit the spot. I’m guessing it is because of the high amount of fat, and the nutty essence. There is also a slight hint of cinnimmon, though there is none. Browned butter bites have helped me stay on course for the last few weeks.

I have been going to the gym for approximately 2 months, now. When I was going to the gym in 2014 and 2015, I believed that in order to have energy to workout I needed carbohydrates for fuel. It did give me plenty of energy for workouts. However, I could never lose the fat I wanted to lose. I had not learned about food nutrition yet. I didn’t know how carbs, sugars, and processed foods functioned in the body. I was so mislead that sometimes after a workout, I would go for a high protein smoothy, which totally wrecked all the work I had just done because of the sugar & carbs.

Before this diet, I’d have never thought it was possible to have enough energy for a workout without carbs or sugar. In fact, I was told by a trainer that I needed the carbs. It isn’t true, though. I have been about 98% percent carb free for nearly 101 (because all days weren’t perfect). I have not lacked energy for workouts. Some days, I walk for an hour before going to the gym. I typically workout in the gym for an hour and a half. My recovery also seems a bit quicker. I am having a much better workout experience than ever before.

Now that I have my sugar cravings under control (fingers crossed), I have begun to lose weight again; a couple of pounds so far. I feel stronger. I think I’m beginning to see some definition in my chest and shoulders. Usually, I’m the last to notice differences in my body, but though I haven’t lost a ton of weight (yet), I believe I am looking more slim about the gut, butt, and neck.

Hopefully, in the near future, I will have some comparison pictures I’m not afraid to show. I look forward to that day.😏

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