Day 22-Carnivore Diet

So, today is/was day 22, the first day of week 4. My blood pressure this evening was 114/70. A little over two weeks ago, it was 231/138. When I began the diet, I was worried about an all-meat diet. My whole adult life (after the Navy), I’d been told that meat was bad for me, that it would cause heart disease and give me a stroke.

When my doctor put me on statins and blood pressure medication, I was trying to maintain a vegan diet. That didn’t last long. I couldn’t do vegan. I had even attempted raw vegan. I had a favorite raw food restaurant in Saint Augustine, FL. I had never put it together until now.

There is at least one doctor out there who says, “Plants are trying to kill you.” He talks about the chemical defenses that plants have to keep animals from eating them before their time. His point? Animals are smart enough not to eat these things. Why do we continue to try to eat them? His name is Doctor Anthony Chaffee. You may find him on YouTube if you’d like to hear more of his views. He has been living this lifestyle for several years.

Doctors always provide the standard of care according to their med school training. I don’t know who determines that standard of care, but it cannot be correct.

Soon, it will be necessary for my doctor to either lower or take me off my blood pressure meds. As far as statins, I don’t believe they are necessary. It has been proven that cholesterol has nothing causative to do with heart disease. I’ve read that the brain needs cholesterol. I’ve also read that the brain’s make is at least 20% cholesterol.

I have been feeling better. Last week, I actually tried to run. I mean, I did run! Afterward, however, I couldn’t put any weight on my left foot, right ankle, or left knee. Everything was better after a few days. I won’t try it again until I lose more weight. I have been feeling so much better that it made me want to try.

Soon, I will be reaching day 30. I never doubted that I could reach day 30, but lately, I have been having more urges than cravings. I have had weak urges to eat outside my diet; maybe add some low-carb leafy greens. However, the plan is to go 125 days this way. I will continue if I’m still good and feeling better than I do now (which is pretty good).

I have lost 11 pounds and maybe some inches. Things are happening slowly, but they are happening. Yesterday, I added steak sauce to my meal, and my top lip swelled up. That has never happened in my entire life. Perhaps my body has begun healing, and something in the sauce triggered a reaction. After all, I’m supposed to be avoiding processed foods.

So, there are definitely changes happening in my body. All of them are good. I will keep you updated.


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